Monday 3 December 2012

Snapshot Sixty- 21

Today I am blogging my very first, 'snapshot films in sixty seconds'. As it is evidently clear from the ice ages that have passed since I last posted on this blog, maybe longer reviews aren't my forte, or simply, are too time-stealing for me to sit down and write very often. So here sees the start of my new quick fire, films in sixty second-esque reviews. 

21, directed by Legally Blonde's Robert Luketic and released in 2008, Jim Sturgess portrays the too-clever-for-his-own-good Ben Campbell who's aim is to fund a $300,000 tuition fee ticket to the med school of his dreams, Harvard. A dream that seems far fetched, for a poor yet grade A achieving senior mathematics major. 

At first everything about this film screams Good.Will.Hunting. from the financially struggling genius to the whimsical professor, and not only this but 21 is set in the very same, 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology'. However this story, based on a truth told in the book, Bringing Down The House, takes a different turn when Professor Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey) cuts Ben a break by introducing him to his all star blackjack team where Ben joins a few fellow students to learn the intricacies of card counting and they set off for Vegas to make their fortune. 

Laurence Fishburne and Kate Bosworth also star in this highly entertaining film, capturing moments of incredible success with devastating consequence and a few great laughs- typical when a too-clever-for-his-own-good maths major is involved.